Musings |
As a professional marketer, timelines and deliverables are non-negotiable. Deadlines are usually firm. For most of my projects, I provide a Gantt Chart to my clients to see the project timeline. The Gantt includes defining the weeks when I need client approval, so we can assure the right people will be available. Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to reconnect with the very talented Randy Nichols. Randy shared how to build your organization with SWAT. Don't confuse this with SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Do you remember when computers first came out? You would turn on your computer, then go make a sandwich; or, save a document while you made a trip to the bathroom. Today, if it takes more than 10-seconds for my computer to turn on, I get cranky. Today, everything happens faster. So fast, that in marketing, we work in micro-moments. My husband hates when I say, "it's not about you", and ironically, this post is not about him either. As a strategic marketer, it never ceases to amaze me when clients say, "I don't want to market myself online (or text, apps, TV, radio, etc) because I don't look at those ads." It takes everything I have to not say, "it's not about you". In 2001, I opened my first company. Like any good strategic marketer, I prepared a WRITTEN business and marketing plan. I've got to tell you, my business plan was AMAZING. I was going to help millions of people; we were all going to make millions of dollars. Yep, it was amazing...right up until I put it on paper. If you remember smelling something really bad in March of 2001, it was probably the first draft my business plan! |