Musings |
Yesterday, I was driving to an appointment when I passed a house with several free tomato cages in their yard. I am growing a lot of tomatoes this year and thought, " I should stop, but I might be late for my appointment. That's ok, I can buy some from Lowe's." (I know, how smart is that? Free or buy, duh.)
I just read a powerful statement in Kelly Willie's new book, With Us; "People are not scenery; they are opportunities".
WOW! Kelly makes a lot of profound, real statements in her book. But "people are not scenery", hit me right between the eyes!
Several years ago, I saw a statistic: Children laugh an average of 100 times a day. At the time, that struck me as impossible. If a child is awake for 12 hours, that is eight laughs an hour.
But now I have an eight-year-old in the house and I believe it! An online search reported (and also disputed) children laugh 300-400 times a day. Adults laugh an average 18 times a day. I have also seen the adult number to be as low as four times a day. No, it is not a football call. Those are the ages of some of the people listed in today's obituaries. Yes, this is going to be one of those blogs. Most people tell me they do it best in bed just before they fall asleep. I do my best work in the shower. In both cases, I think our success is created because the clutter in our minds begins to slow down. Where do you generate your most creative ideas? I love America. I still get goosebumps when I see our flag flying. God Bless The USA still brings tears to my eyes. We have our problems. It is not because America isn't great. It is because America is a country of more than 325 million imperfect human beings being governed for more than 240 years by other imperfect human beings. Glossophobia is the #1 fear is in North America. The second greatest fear is death. You guessed it. Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public; it also includes the fear of speaking in general.
Yesterday, Richard Weiler shared this video with our Advanced Marketing Minds group. WOW!
It resonated with me because it demonstrates that no obstacle, challenge, goal, or dream is too big. Just start... As a marketer and professional speaker, I am periodically asked to speak at local high schools and colleges about the value of social media as a marketing tool. In those presentations, I usually digress a bit to remind the young people that their personal posts can have lasting effects, positively or negatively, on their careers. The message is lost on most of them, but at least I tried. |