Musings |
Several years ago, I saw a statistic: Children laugh an average of 100 times a day. At the time, that struck me as impossible. If a child is awake for 12 hours, that is eight laughs an hour.
But now I have an eight-year-old in the house and I believe it! An online search reported (and also disputed) children laugh 300-400 times a day. Adults laugh an average 18 times a day. I have also seen the adult number to be as low as four times a day.
Regardless of the real numbers, I think we can all agree that children laugh more than adults. And, adults are the worse for it.
Laughter IS the Best Medicine
Adult responsibilities and pressures can literally suck the laughter out of us. But YOU are in control, not your circumstance. AND, if you add laughter to your day, you WILL feel better and do better. A few tips to increase laughter in your life:
Need more ideas? Check out Marelisa Fabrega's 22 Ways To Bring More Laughter into Your Life. ​Until then... Comments are closed.