Musings |
On Sunday, it was 11 degrees with a wind chill of -2 degrees. AND...we left our house at 7:30 AM to travel to Ski Roundtop for Ada's ski lesson. The slopes opened at 8:00 AM, and I was confident the place would be pretty deserted. Wrong! The parking lot was packed. The resort was bustling with happy skiers. What? It's Siberian out here. Are you people crazy?! First, it is obvious I am NOT the skier in the family. And, YES, everyone around me was crazy - crazy in love with skiing. Remember your first love? The giddiness? Doing things you didn't normally do just to see, talk to, or be with that person. That is passion, an "intense desire or enthusiasm for someone or something". By the way, one definition of crazy is "extremely enthusiastic".
For more than eight hours on Sunday, I sat in the lodge surrounded by happy-to-be-there skiers. And, it reminded me of my passion for SCUBA. I spent many a "cold" New Years Day SCUBA diving at a local quarry in Pennsylvania. Maybe there was a skim of ice on the water, but I didn't care. I was diving! With blue lips, more than 100 divers laughed, got wet, and had an incredible time. Were we crazy? You bet! Crazy about diving! Six years ago, I stopped diving. I replaced SCUBA with motherhood. They are not mutually exclusive, but at the time it was the right thing to do. But on Sunday, the same little person for whom I stopped diving, re-ignited a spark to get me back into diving. After her six-hour lesson, my little skier wanted to ski more. She has a passion! She was warm and safe, and even though I was cold, I sent her back out for another hour on the slopes. I don't want to squelch her passion. And, I am going to start diving again. Maybe not a frequently as I used to (until Ada is old enough to dive with us), but I am going to do it! It's time to rekindle the fire and "do things normal people don't do" like breathe underwater...even when it might be snowy. What are YOU passionate about? What do you do that other people look at you like you are crazy (if they don't have the same passion)? If you can't think of anything, you are missing something VERY important in your life. You deserve to be giddy, I-don't-care-what-other-people-think, passionate. Don't cheat yourself. Do it or schedule it today. Re-ignite an old passion that has fallen by the wayside. Or find a new one. So what if other people think you are a little crazy/passionate? Comments are closed.