initiative marketing (uh·ni·shuh·tuhv maar·kuh·tuhng) noun
promoting the power to take charge of an issue before others do
There was a time when I thought recycling and not buying enriched wheat flour made me a socially aware mom. Then, I did little more research... that is when I became a Live Clean Activist to educate others on the nontoxic ways to protect themselves, their family, their community and our planet.
Not sure there really is a problem? Click here for a free eBook, The Day I Stopped Killing My Family. It is a short read of research statistics from multiple sources. I learned a lot as I continued my research. Most of the products I used every day were filled with carcinogens and other toxins. I found other products... and I began to feel better. The products I tried have been very good. But I believe much of feeling better is not what they put in the products, but what they DON'T put in. As a quick example, I tried a new soap. After my first shower, my skin felt "funny". Then I realized, I didn't have a "coating" on my skin. It wasn't a coating I could see. It was a coating of products that I grew up believing were normal. I have a new normal... and I love it. I HIGHLY recommend that you educate yourself. The internet has thousands of sources of information. (WARNING: what you learn will scare the begeebers out of you!) If you want to learn more about the products I use, click the categories below that interest you. I do want to tell you that on the second page, there is a link to explore products. If you go there, I may receive a commission if you choose to make a purchase.
Educate yourself. Then, you can make smart, healthy choices for you, your families, your community and our planet. |